The environmental impacts of packaging are mainly related to the impacts of their constituent materials. In addition, the weight of the packaging also contributes to the energy impacts linked to the transport of packaged food. Finally, reducing packaging proportionately reduces packaging waste.
The environmental impacts of packaging are mainly related to the impacts of their constituent materials. In addition, the weight of the packaging also contributes to the energy impacts linked to the transport of packaged food. Finally, reducing packaging proportionately reduces packaging waste.
Reduce the thickness of flexible and rigid packaging (e.g. 'down-gauging' plastic films).
Shift from rigid to flexible packaging.
Check the 'communicating vessels in this case: less material can result in less options for recycling, but as a rule of thumb, the environmental impact of reduction is lower.
Remove unnecessary packa\ging such as bundling films and cardboard boxes.
Also: assess whether less packaging material could lead to more product loss through breakage, spoilage (food waste), etc.
Circular Economy: Measuring innovation in product chains
ISO 18602:2013(en) Packaging and the environment — Optimization of the packaging system