IFS v7 (October 2020) = assessment benchmark for the conformity of products and processes related to food safety and quality, benchmark for the assessment of suppliers of private label products. BRC v8 (August 2018) = Global Food Safety Standard, private audit benchmark for private label food product suppliers on the English market. In order to meet regulatory requirements in terms of hygiene and food safety (hygiene package and Codex Alimentarius), standards (IFS, IFS PAC Secure, BRC, BRCGS) and standards (ISO 9001, 22000, TS 22002, NF EN 15 593) have been created for many years, and are updated regularly, according to changes in French and European regulations.
Each of these standards defines the requirements relating to the assessment of suppliers on governance and management commitment, the food safety and quality management system, resource management, operational procedures, measures, analyzes and improvement, the fight against malicious acts (Food Defense), HACCP, product and process control, personnel. The theme of “packaging” concerns the different actors of the agri-food sector differently. Agri-food companies that use packaging can be certified IFS Food, BRCGS, ISO 22000, FSSC 22000. These standards impose requirements on them to comply within the context of their packaging uses. According to IFS PackSecure, BRC Packaging or NF EN 15593, ISO TS 22002-4 standards, packaging manufacturers can be certified. In each case, the requirements will ensure the manufacture of healthy and safe packaging for downstream users.