
Adapt or improve the closing system, the sealability, prevent leak defaults

Check, adjust, improve packaging functionnality

Many cases of packaging defaults concern the quality of the closure system. A large majority of the products are stored based on controlling the gas composition in contact with the product. Is this gaseous composition itself controlled by the permeability of the packaging? This supposes that the gas's penetration and exit are NOT possible through leaks, particularly generated at the level of the closing system.

Keep the benefits of the barrier material by ensuring the absence of leaks at the level of the closing system.

Scientific based reccomendations and insights for practical applications
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Case of thermosealed packaging

Check whether the composition of the material to be sealed is suitable for optimized sealability.

Low melting point or glass transition temperature at the level of internal layers, high melting point or glass transition temperature at the level of external layers, gradient in between.

Check the good adequation of the thermosealing process conditions

Avoid the use of layers providing thermal insulator (unexpected) properties

If thermosealing is done on a cup or a tray, check the good compatibility of the materials put in contact.

Consider the alternative option of ultrasonic sealing that allows sealing monomaterials but is more expensive for the associated equipment

cf paper-based material is not ideal in this point of view

Case of a closing system with stopper or capsule

  • Check the good deformability of the stopper or the capsule material in the area of closing
  • Check the perfection of the planeity to be associated with the stopper or capsule

General case of reusable packaging

Ensure constant surface planeity to be associated with the stopper ou capsule or thermosealed lid film as a function of cycles series and after washing operations. In the case of thermosealing, check the performance of washing for the removing of residues of sealing layers.