The impact of packaging on the cost of finished packaged products is not only related to the production costs of the material and the article; the packaging also impacts the cost of the finished product through the taxes applied, in particular for waste management.
Use the system of eco-taxes and public policies positively.
Follow the rules suggested by taxes and public policies in terms of packaging composition.
Identify markets (geographical localizations) that are more favourable for the technology developed; as an example, biodegradable materials are favoured in Italy, where public policies concentrate on the development of composting.
(lobbying) solicit the emergence of public policies in favour of materials registered in the bioeconomy; indeed, materials of renewable origin are triply disadvantaged: (i) their cost is high due to a very low level of production compared to conventional materials (ii) representing low levels of production, they are characterized by waste streams that are difficult to capture; they are therefore not recycled and therefore disadvantaged by environmental taxes (iii) this level of cost + additional cost provided by taxes keep materials of renewable origin at high price levels because demand does not develop.