Suppose the unit cost of processes for converting raw materials into packaging is generally an ultra-optimized variable. In that case, the sum of the technologies allowing access to the final packaging is often much less questioned. Yet this is where an important part of controlling packaging costs lies, especially flexible packaging.
Track down the avoidable steps that represent a significant part of the cost of the final packaging.
Question the essential character of deposition of surface aspect layers on the surface of packaging material.
Question the essential character of coating of thermal protecting layers which avoid aspect defaults in the area of thermosealed zones.
Question the essential character of all printing operations, particularly those in relation to marketing purposes.
Simplify the process of multilayer materials: shift from complexing/lamination to co-extrusion, remove layers which are not essential (cf case of the use of polyamide only for the mechanical improvement of multilayer films), use inline orientation system ...
In the case of reusable packaging, all the above questions should be considered completely differently because maintaining the appearance of the material over time (multiple uses) will be an essential variable to succeed in multiplying the number of use of reusable packaging.