
Reduce packaging intrinsic impacts

Adjust the good balance between packaging efficiency and food waste minimisation

In this case, it is assumed that an overpackaging situation is considered, i.e. the optimization of environmental performance targets the reduction of packaging intrinsic environmental performances.

Check the different possibilities to decrease packaging intrinsic impacts.

Scientific based reccomendations and insights for practical applications
Comments, links

Reuse or recycle packaging materials.

Reduce the packaging weight or the number of components or materials.

Use monomaterials or make sure that the packaging can be disassembled.

Use alternative materials (introduction of recycled materials, use recyclable materials, use biobased materials).

2B Srl, 2021. General guidelines on environmental specification and LCA guided the selection of best markets. Deliverable 3.5 of the MyPack project, 2B Srl, July 2021. Breedveld, L, 2020. Under- or over-packaging: a key question in the food waste debate? Proceedings of the LCAFOOD conference, Berlin 13-10-2020.