All packaged foods must include labelling, the content of which was redefined in 2011 by regulation n ° 1169/211 on consumer information (known as the INCO regulation) and which has been applied since December 2014. It contains mandatory information. Common to all products or only for certain products depending on their characteristics.
Food product transparency.
The list of ingredients - Many foods on the market combine several ingredients during their manufacture. These ingredients must be listed in descending order of quantities added. This list indicates in particular Allergens Food additives Flavorings "Nano" ingredients.
Some ingredients are quantified - it is mandatory to indicate the added amounts of the highlighted ingredients, in percentage, after the ingredient's name in the list of ingredients.
The responsible company - It is mandatory to indicate the name and contact details of the company responsible for the information on the label.
The net quantity - This statement indicates the quantity of product in the packaging. Depending on the solid or liquid nature of the product, it is expressed in g, kg, l, cl, ml, ...
Food storage dates and storage conditions - Foods said to be perishable and can become potentially dangerous, due to the development of microorganisms, have an expiration date or BBD. On the other hand, foodstuffs preserved for a long time from this degradation due to their nature, physical state (dry products), or the treatment they have undergone (canning of canned products) have a MDD or minimal date of durability.
Storage conditions - In the case of a DLC, the storage conditions must accompany the date.
The user manual - The instructions for use are indicated in such a way as to allow the appropriate use of the food.
The origin of the products - In its desire to better inform the consumer, the new labelling regulations (Inco) have provided the obligation to indicate the origin of the primary ingredient, i.e. the largest in volume (50%) or the most rewarding.
Nutritional information - The product packaging must include a table showing the average nutritional composition for the following indications and nutrients: energy, fat (including saturated fatty acids, carbohydrates (including sugars), Protein, salt. Other information is optional.
The alcoholic strength - This statement is mandatory for drinks containing more than 1.2% alcohol by volume.
Additional mentions - Other terms are mandatory for certain foods due to technical elements or in relation to their composition: the use of gas for packaging, sweeteners, liquorice, caffeine, etc. On the other hand, foodstuffs preserved for a long time from this degradation due to their nature, physical state (dry products), or the treatment they have undergone (canning of canned products) have a MDD or minimal date of durability.
Some specific mandatory information related to other regulatory texts than the INCO regulation
Optional mentions
Apart from regulatory obligations, it is possible to add on the packaging other mentions or indications intended to highlight the qualities of the products or the virtuous practices of the company. This category includes claims, in particular nutritional or health claims, signs of quality, and statements relating to environmental labeling.
While the use of these terms is free and optional, it is often governed by regulatory provisions, charters, etc.
Nutritional or health claims
Signs of quality: labels and designations of origin
Environmental labeling
Europa food safety - Food information to consumers – legislation
DGCCRF Etiquetage des denrées alimentaires
DGCCRF – Les signes officiels de qualité